Interweaving students’ key sustainability competencies with sustainability development knowledge (SDK)

the influencing role of learning and teaching


  • Chu May Yeo Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Lee Chin Tay Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology
  • Chia Yen Lim
  • Mui Yin Chin Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology



Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), Sustainable competencies, Sustainable development knowledge (SDK), Higher educational institutions (HEIs), Academic performance, Learning and Teaching initiatives.


This study aims to determine to what extent the essential sustainability competencies of students support and enable the University to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs).  The students’ awareness and knowledge of SDGs are pertinent and essential to be prepared and equipped for their future working life. Design/methodology/approach - A case study using an online survey collected 320 respondents. SPSS and Smart-PLS were employed as statistical packages to analyze the collected data. Two primary competencies, specifically interpersonal and normative abilities, showed a significant direct correlation with knowledge in sustainable development. However, neither the students' academic performance appeared to act as a mediating factor, nor did educational initiatives related to learning and teaching serve as moderators influencing the connection between these key competencies and their knowledge in sustainable development. The results can be used as a guide for subject and program instructors to incorporate the necessary sustainability competencies. They may also aid policymakers in crafting policies and procedures focusing on crucial sustainable skills, considering their potential application in selecting and recruiting human resources. This study contributes to the existing literature by validating that students who possess interpersonal skills (such as collaborating sustainably with team members) and normative competencies (like introducing and implementing novel sustainability concepts and ideas) will enhance their awareness and understanding of sustainability. Therefore, it emphasizes the need for well-designed courses, programs, and curricula to prioritize these two crucial competencies.


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How to Cite

Yeo, C. M., Tay, L. C., Lim, C. Y., & Chin, M. Y. (2023). Interweaving students’ key sustainability competencies with sustainability development knowledge (SDK): the influencing role of learning and teaching. JBFEM, 6(2), 47-66.