The effect of digital marketing, digital branding and perceived service quality with customer engagement as intervening variables on brand advocacy on the digital platform of tourism village in Indonesia


  • Mutia Tri Satya Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
  • Willy Arafah Trisakti University, Indonesia
  • Aam Bastaman Trilogi University, Indonesia



brand advocacy, customer engagement, digital branding, digital marketing, perceived service quality


The paper examines the effect of Digital Marketing, Digital Branding, Perceived Service Quality with Customer Engagement on Brand Advocacy on the Digital Platform for Tourism Villages in Indonesia. The research population is local tourists who visit several tourist places in sustainable tourism places, and the samples taken as many as 440 tourists. Data was collected by online and offline surveys with the distribution of self-administered questionnaires. The findings of the study are that digital marketing has a positive and significant influence on customer engagement. This can be used to increase awareness of the use of technology and make maximum use of it to realize a digital-based tourism village. Digital marketing is not significant to brand advocacy, but it has a positive and significant influence on customer engagement. Perceived service quality has a positive and significant influence on brand advocacy, and digital marketing has a positive and significant influence on brand advocacy through customer engagement. This research aims to provide a guideline or material for consideration for village communities, tourism awareness groups, regional tourism institutions, and other parties with an interest in developing Tourism Villages to apply digital technology and marketing strategies in their marketing. However, there is no link between digital branding and customer engagement, and there are many studies that have raised tourist village objects, but those that focus on independent tourism villages according to the JADESTA category do not yet exist.


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How to Cite

Satya, M. T., Arafah, W., & Bastaman, A. (2023). The effect of digital marketing, digital branding and perceived service quality with customer engagement as intervening variables on brand advocacy on the digital platform of tourism village in Indonesia. JBFEM, 6(1), 29-46.